At Life Center of Galax, our residential addiction program provides individuals struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health issues with the tools to build a strong foundation for long-term recovery.
Residential Addiction Rehab
Learn more about residential addiction rehab at Life Center of Galax
We understand alcoholism and drug addiction are diseases.
We believe left untreated, drug and alcohol addictions progress to insanity and death.
We know people can and do recover with the right rehab program.
Our conviction is that substance abuse is a highly individualized illness that responds best to a rehab and treatment regime where group therapy and process is emphasized.
“I can’t, we can.”
At our addiction rehab center, Master Treatment Plans evolve from the intensive assessment period which individuals go through during detox and stabilization. Medical history and physical, nursing assessment, psychosocial interview, psychological testing, as needed, leisure, occupational and vocational reviews all occur during the first few days following admission. An independent family interview for co-lateral data is also completed if at all possible.
Treatment plans are assessed and amended throughout the individual’s time at our addiction center. Goals and objectives, keyed to the treatment plan’s problem list, are reviewed with the patient and treatment team, and become the barometer for gauging success.
Discharge planning begins at admission, and involves the referral source, outpatient therapist, family, employer, AA and NA groups, temporary and permanent sponsors, aftercare groups, and halfway house placement when necessary.
At Life Center of Galax, in Virginia, rehab for drug and alcohol abuse is delivered through a variety of groups geared to address the complex physical, behavioral, psychological, social, and spiritual components which impair normal functioning. These include: orientation and group building, medical aspects of addiction, reality therapy, cognitive therapy, gender specific therapy, family therapy and leisure activities.
- Reality therapy focuses on here and now issues using supportive confrontation and interpretation to break through patient denial and rationalization. Focus tends to be on the patient’s behavior in both group and the community, stressing the importance of group members taking effective control of their lives by learning realistic, responsible, and socially appropriate behavior while in rehab.
- Experiential Therapy is utilized to help patients understand how unresolved experiences from the past influences present functioning. Patients are able to work through unresolved conflicts and to express blocked feelings. Techniques used include psychodrama, Gestalt Therapy, role-plays, and structured group exercises.
- Cognitive Therapy addresses dysfunctional mental processes which tend to support maladaptive emotions and behaviors. This group explores how the use of negative thoughts and irrational beliefs maintain dysfunctional behavior. Psycho-educational techniques of instruction, modeling, practice, feedback, and disputing assist the patient with change.
- Leisure resources provide opportunities for patients to learn new activities and to be involved in healthy fun without the use of mood altering substances. These activities are used in our addiction center’s continuing recovery plans as a means of alternate activities for previous time spent using.
- Gender specific groups address issues which may be difficult to explore in the presence of members of the opposite sex. These include explorations of relationship issues, sexual abuse, and sexual dysfunction.
- Family workshops are held every weekend at our rehab center. They offer education and process opportunities regarding the effect of substance abuse on the family, counseling, and multiple family therapy.
Discharge is based on the patient completing or having made significant progress in the problem areas identified on the Master Treatment Plan. Discharge dates are reviewed weekly by the treatment team and are amended individually as appropriate.
Gender Specific Options
Learn more about our gender specific options for addiction rehab
An individual approach to gender issues is part of our core treatment & rehab program. This provides patients a sense of security and well being and provides a means of discussion for issues which would otherwise remain secreted. Thus individual needs are met and the basis of recovery remains founded in honesty.
Our gender specific group therapy provides a secure environment which allows for exploration of intimate and sensitive issues which are typically overlooked in heterogeneous groups. Gender specific therapy ends with an appropriate referral for aftercare, based on individual need.
Our Relapse Prevention Program
Learn more about our relapse prevention program
In an instance of relapse or multiple relapses, at our addiction rehab center, we focus on four key areas in developing an individualized treatment plan. Areas of focus include:
- Evaluation of personality disorders. These may involve antisocial personality and resistance to society norms;
passive-aggressive traits or inability to express anger directly; narcissism. which leads patients to underestimate
their addiction and overestimate their progress in recovery. - Has the patient created a “substitute” addiction? (i.e., work, gambling, sex, or switching drug of choice.)
- Exploring the person’s view of recovery. Was their concept too narrow, and did it provide for total life change?
- Did the individual ignore warning symptoms? Did they make choices leading back to active drug and alcohol addiction, such as seeing old friends, old hangouts, or stop going to meetings?