Life Center of Galax helps individuals struggling with alcoholism build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Located in Virginia, Life Center of Galax will help you start your recovery journey with detoxification and transition to residential rehabilitation.
Alcohol Detox
The importance of alcohol detox
Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances in the United States, and alcohol addiction is unfortunately one of the most common substance use disorders in the nation as well. Because alcohol has such a prevalent presence in modern American society, many people do not realize the many dangers that the use of this drug poses or how difficult it can be for individuals who have become dependent upon alcohol to overcome their disorder.
In some cases, individuals who have developed alcohol use disorder are able to stop drinking through a combination of personal willpower and the involvement of a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous. In other cases, though, not only is the urge to consume alcohol too strong to overcome, but ending one’s alcohol abuse without professional oversight can actually be dangerous. Depending upon the nature and severity of a person’s struggles with alcohol abuse and alcoholism, attempting to quit “cold turkey” can trigger the onset of a variety of painful and potentially harmful withdrawal symptoms.
Of course, eliminating alcohol from one’s body is a necessary precursor to entering a treatment center for an alcohol use disorder. When individuals desire to finally get treatment for their alcohol abuse, but are precluded from doing so because of their inability to stop drinking before entering a program, medically monitored detoxification is the answer. Commonly referred to as detox, medically monitored detoxification is a process through which men and women can eliminate alcohol from their bodies in a manner than enhances their safety and alleviates the more painful and risky aspects of alcohol withdrawal.
At Life Center of Galax in Virginia, we are intimately familiar with the fears and frustrations that are associated with overcoming a dependence upon alcohol, and we respect and honor the strength of each man and woman who makes the courageous decision to enter treatment for this devastating disorder. To ensure that the men and women who choose to heal with us at our treatment center have the best possible support, we are proud to provide safe and effective medically monitored detox services for those who need this level of care.
Under the guidance and supervision of experienced healthcare providers, individuals who complete detox with us receive the clinical and therapeutic support that they need to rid their bodies of alcohol and prepare themselves for a successful treatment experience.
Benefits of Alcohol Detox
Benefits of detoxing from alcohol at Life Center of Galax in Virginia
When an individual chooses to participate in detox as part of a comprehensive treatment program for alcohol dependency, they have the opportunity to experience several benefits. First and foremost, they significantly increase the likelihood of successfully withdrawing from alcohol while protecting their physical and mental health. Second, they put themselves in an excellent position for avoiding alcohol addiction relapse.
The following are among the many ways that our Virginia-based detox center can be a beneficial experience for men and women who have been struggling with alcoholism:
- Experienced professionals with appropriate medical training will provide around-the-clock supervision throughout the detox process, ensuring the continued health and wellbeing of the participant.
- If necessary, the participant may be prescribed medications to facilitate a safer and less painful detox experience from alcohol.
- Completing detox at a licensed treatment center removes the risk that the participant will relapse into alcohol consumption as a way of escaping the discomfort of withdrawal.
- Depending upon the program, the participant may be able to begin receiving therapeutic treatment services while completing alcohol addiction
- Upon completing alcohol abuse detox, the participant can transfer directly into an inpatient or residential treatment program, which significantly decreases the likelihood of relapse and increases his or her chances for maintaining long-term sobriety.
By participating in medically monitored detox as part of an effective comprehensive treatment program, individuals who have been struggling with alcohol dependency have a much greater likelihood of experiencing a safe and relatively comfortable withdrawal and successfully completing the treatment that will prepare them to achieve lifelong recovery.
Medically monitored alcohol addiction detox at Life Center of Galax in Virginia is beneficial both for what it provides to the participant and what it helps him or her to avoid. Trying and failing to quit drinking on one’s own can exacerbate a person’s problems with alcohol, and can complicate future attempts to achieve sobriety. The shame and frustration of a failed attempt at abstinence from alcohol can push a person into greater degrees of alcohol abuse, which increases the risk of lasting damage. If a person believes that he or she is incapable of overcoming a dependence upon alcohol, this lack of confidence will add another layer to the obstacles that will need to be surmounted before true healing can occur. When an individual participates in medically monitored detox, the frustration of a failed attempt to stop drinking can be transformed into the self-confidence of having taken an essential first step along the path of long-term recovery.
Treatment works. Recovery is possible. And medically monitored detox can open the door to a bright future filled with hope and possibility. To learn more about how Life Center of Galax in Virginia can help you or a loved one overcome a problem with alcohol, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We look forward to helping you achieve the healthier and happier future that you both desire and deserve.